Discover Effortless Cluster Classification

Get organized with Cluster Classification! This powerful workflow allows you to quickly and accurately assign new un-clustered data to new clusters. Make the most of your data today!
Enabling AI for the world’s best, from startups to publicly listed.

Automated Group Assignment.

Utilize Cluster Classification to quickly and accurately assign new data to existing clusters.

Designed for every team

Automate the tedious task of manually clustering data and gain more accurate, consistent results.

Streamline your workflow to save time and resources while efficiently organizing data.

Start using Cluster Classification today to improve your data analysis process.

Bring your data to life. Start free.

With Relevance AI
Increased efficiency and accuracy in data categorization.
Faster and more comprehensive analysis of data.
Improved decision making with better insights into the data
Without Relevance AI
Increased efficiency and accuracy in data categorization.
Slower data analysis and decision making process.
Incomplete insights due to limited data categorization.

Example use cases

Discover Effortless Cluster Classification

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